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Make calls to numbers in Brazil and more than 60 countries from your Bitrix24 through our integration with full registration associated with the card and call recording.
CallGear + Bitrix24 is a CRM integration, combining end-to-end advertising analytics tool with integrated CallGear communication channels and virtual PBX
The Zalo OA integration application with Bitrix24 helps your system connect directly and unlimitedly with business Zalo OA accounts. In particular, this application allows seamless integration with CRM, Tasks, websites and automation to automate the entire operating process of the system.
PayU and Bitrix24.CRM integration application for collecting payments and paying invoices easily. Start your free 14-day trial period.
Experience the seamless integration of conference calls, call transfers, and hold-on functionality with CallCenter24. Together with our app TwiSMS you may use one number for call and SMS. Whether you need to handle high volumes of calls or provide personalized assistance, our solution offers the utmost flexibility, reliability, and scalability your business demands. Transform your customer support experience today.
Incoming and Outgoing SMS via Twilio from your Bitrix24. Together with our application CallCenter24 you may USE ONE NUMBER FOR SMS AND CALLS!
Combine Bitrix24 with the SMS(messages)-sending service Serwersms.pl.
Analyze deal data for the required time period. Identify the most efficient customer handling scenarios as well as tight spots that may need improvement.
Actively using SMS? Textlocal now works with SMS directly inside Bitrix24! Textlocal integration allows automating your business by connecting SMS with automation rules, workflows, CRM details and CRM Marketing. Now you can create a fully automatic sales funnel using popular Textlocal SMS. Now SMS messages will be automatically sent from Bitrix24 account exactly when needed. Make your employees everyday routine easier!
The application allows you to send messages to customers on WhatsApp from Leads, Deals, Contacts or Companies cards. You can write to clients first. When sending a message, a dialogue with the client opens in the desktop or web version of the WhatsApp application.
Now your customers can pay for Bitrix24 online invoices through the Braintree payment system.
Plugin add "Twilio" provider for sending SMS. Show delivery status in CRM, supports multiple send types, queues, and PRO settings.
We connect WhatsApp, Instagram and Telegram to Bitrix24
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