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Integrating ChatGPT assistant bot. Take Control of GPT! Stop overspending on bot responses.Responds to text, audio and images. Also interacts with your CRM with your own automations
PowerBot, developed by Br24, transforms the creation and management of chatbots on Bitrix24. No codes! Eliminates complexity, increases operational efficiency, empowers teams and delivers a higher quality, more immersive and flexible experience with its intuitive and powerful AI.
An OMNICHANNEL tool to service your customers in whatever channel they are, in addition to providing advanced management of all contacts made.
The application integrates the WhatsApp Business API into your Bitrix24.
The leading no-code chatbot builder. Grow your subscriber list, create bots and broadcast messages on WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Instagram, Facebook, Email, SMS and Messenger.
Provide high-quality and personalized conversation flows to speed up customers resolutions and scale every part of your business.
Nexia Bot, a cutting-edge chatbot, integrates with Bitrix24 and ChatGPT to provide precise, personalized responses to customer inquiries. It seamlessly transitions customers to human advisors for purchases, operates 24/7 across Bitrix24 chat channels, and boosts sales and efficiency.
This is an application that replaces a live consultant for your business. It works without templates and the “robot” effect
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