Data migration has never been so easy! Migrate your data in a few clicks and let the app take care of your data. Few clicks and the migration is complete. Transfer data from Trello to Bitrix24 without extra fuss. Track your migration process.The app shows stages of migration progress. Transfer the archived items.The app will transfer all items, including the archived ones.
Nexia Bot, a cutting-edge chatbot, integrates with Bitrix24 and ChatGPT to provide precise, personalized responses to customer inquiries. It seamlessly transitions customers to human advisors for purchases, operates 24/7 across Bitrix24 chat channels, and boosts sales and efficiency.
Do you send links to invoices, created in Bitrix24? Now your clients can pay for them using Paytm. Your clients will be able to comfortably transfer payments via the familiar Paytm payment system. Issue invoices in Bitrix24, send links to your clients and they will select the most suitable payment system.
Do you send links to invoices, created in Bitrix24? Now your clients can pay for them using Carte Bancaire. Your clients will be able to comfortably transfer payments via the familiar Carte Bancaire payment system. Issue invoices in Bitrix24, send links to your clients and they will select the most suitable payment system.
Actively using SMS? Textlocal now works with SMS directly inside Bitrix24! Textlocal integration allows automating your business by connecting SMS with automation rules, workflows, CRM details and CRM Marketing. Now you can create a fully automatic sales funnel using popular Textlocal SMS. Now SMS messages will be automatically sent from Bitrix24 account exactly when needed. Make your employees everyday routine easier!
Actively using SMS? Clicksend now works with SMS directly inside Bitrix24! Clicksend integration allows automating your business by connecting SMS with automation rules, workflows, CRM details and CRM Marketing. Now you can create a fully automatic sales funnel using popular Clicksend SMS. Now SMS messages will be automatically sent from Bitrix24 account exactly when needed. Make your employees everyday routine easier!
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