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inexPHONE SMS - SMS mailing service in Georgia. inexPHONE SMS service allows you to send SMS manually or automatically, through: - Contact or company details - deals and leads details - Robots section - Business processes - CRM marketing for SMS mailings - Send documents via SMS Service inexPHONE SMS shows the status of the sent SMS: sent, delivered. You are using the application for: - Client notifications: about accepting orders, moving to a certain stage - Send: documents, links and any other text - Alerts to employees: about the arrival of a new order, the completion of certain jobs, about a vacancy for a new position and any other text.
CityNet SMS - SMS mailing service in Georgia. CityNet SMS service allows you to send SMS manually or automatically, through: - Contact or company details - deals and leads details - Robots section - Business processes - CRM marketing for SMS mailings - Send documents via SMS
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